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Artificial Sand Fineness Matching In Construction

2019-10-03 22:32:48

Standard of Artificial Sand:
Artificial sand: Small gravels from VSI sand crusher with diameter <4.75mm,but they are not include soft rock.
Fine sand: fineness modulus from 0.7-1.5 nature sand from river.
Mixed sand: made by artificial sand and river sand.
Artificial sand concrete: use aggregate made by crushed sand gravel from sand crusher.
Mixed sand concrete: use aggregate made by mixed artificial sand and river sand
Plastic concrete: this concrete with slump 10-90mm
Flowing concrete: concrete slump ≧ 160mm
Pump concrete:slump ≧ 100mm and should be pumped when work.
We make the VSI sand crusher to control raw material of concrete,the sand fineness and powder content are decided by feeding way and impeller speed,the final artificial sand is graded with good fineness components and good performance for concrete in civil and high standard construction application.